We can also be reached 24×7 365 days a year at (804) 347-6486
Meetings at the Southwest Church Building Thursday Nights @ 7PM Come early and have Dinner with us @ 6PM
Though it’s sometimes difficult for us to admit, we have all lived less than perfect lives. Our good intentions may have escaped us, which has led us to hurt other people or ourselves and we are left feeling that we have failed, yet again. Our past failures and destructive behaviors leave us trapped and deny us the happiness and contentment of life that God desires for us. This leaves us with feelings of fear, inadequacies, and the acceptance that there is no hope.
There is hope! Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered, biblically based recovery program for individuals and their families who are dealing with all kinds of hurts, habits, and hang-ups. The purpose of Celebrate Recovery is to embrace God’s healing power in our lives, by sharing our experiences, strengths, and hopes with one another. Through this process, we become willing to accept God’s grace in solving our lives’ problems, pain, shame, and addictions.
If you are searching for a place where you can heal ‘hurts, habits or hangups’, you’ve come to the right place! Southwest’s Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to share, it’s a place of belonging; to care for others and be cared for. Respect is given to each member and confidentiality is highly regarded. It is a place to learn, demonstrate genuine love, and a place to grow and become strong again. You can take off your mask and allow others to know who you are. Celebrate Recovery could be the turning point in your life.
Southwest is currently gearing up for this Christ-centered Ministry. As soon as more details are available, we will post them here.