This ministry helps those desiring to work with our youth minister and our young people and their families. The deacon in this ministry is to work closely with Southwest’s Youth Minister in planning and coordinating youth devotionals and events to include the calendar of events. The deacon in this ministry provides reminders to those volunteering to assist in various activities. This ministry assists the Educational Committee in planning Bible Class curriculum and activities for the youth. The deacon in this ministry assists the youth minister in the planning and coordination of the Annual Youth Events. This ministry works closely with the Youth/Family Minister and plans and coordinates special youth projects such as L.T.C., Bible Bowls and Bible Quiz. The deacon in this ministry will assist in providing the annual budget needs of this ministry to the responsible elder.
5340 Courthouse Rd,
Chesterfield, VA 23832
(804) 745 - 3667
Chesterfield, VA 23832
(804) 745 - 3667
All for the glory of God, and in the Spirit of Unity